Israel’s Artificial Intelligence Weapon: Are Civilian Casualties Known in Advance in Gaza Attacks?


Are Civilian Casualties Predetermined? Israel’s Artificial Intelligence Weapon

Does the Israeli army use artificial intelligence technology when selecting targets for attacks in the Gaza Strip? According to the claim of the “+972” news site, civilian casualties are increasing as a result of deliberately hitting targets determined by artificial intelligence.

Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Target Identification Process: The Practice of Israeli Intelligence

The Israeli military uses artificial intelligence technology to identify targets and the estimated number of civilians in Gaza, according to a study based on interviews with current and former members of Israeli intelligence. This strategy aims to deliberately target civilian infrastructure.

Strategy to Create Civilian Pressure: Claims from Intelligence Sources

According to intelligence sources, the deliberate hitting of civilian infrastructure in the attacks on Gaza may be part of a deliberate strategy of attack on civilians in Palestine. With this strategy, they are trying to put civilian pressure on Hamas.

Habsora System and Increasing Civilian Casualties: Israel’s Artificial Intelligence Weapon

Considering the Habsora system, which is widely used by the Israeli army, this system, developed with artificial intelligence technology, has the capacity to automatically generate targets “far beyond what is possible” in Gaza attacks. This situation leads to more civilian casualties, contrary to Israel’s past protocols.

Israel’s Artificial Intelligence Weapon: Are Civilian Casualties Known in Advance in Gaza Attacks?

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