While dating and relationships look different for everyone, there’s one thing that is almost universally true: When it’s good, it’s great. I mean, why else are so many people looking for “the one”?
A new year is an opportunity for a fresh start, with dating trends that will be mühlet to emerge as the months progress. Questions about the role that artificial intelligence will play in our relationships or what will be the new “running club” (a.k.a. place to meet singles) have been swirling. But we wanted to hear from experts in the world of romance about what they think singles and couples might expect in 2025.
Their responses offer a glimpse at what the year may hold in store.
Rise of the Offline Lover
What’s considered attractive is shifting — perhaps for the better. There’s an interesting, subtle, yet unsurprising shift in what people find attractive during initial “get-to-know-you” conversations.
The markers of attraction used to be: “successful,” “funny,” “ambitious” and “confident.” This language dominated dating profiles and conversations about what people wanted (and should look for) in a romantic partner. Now I am hearing a rise in qualities like “grounded,” “steady,” “balanced” and “down-to-earth” that are the new inexplicable romantic draws.
Suggest that you haven’t checked Instagram in months? You had me at “logged off.” Demonstrate that you are informed but not drowning in a torrent of anxiety-inducing headlines? Watch for the glint in their eye. Say that you know nothing of the latest trend? Swoon. — Lakshmi Rengarajan, the host of the podcast “The Later Dater Today.”
More Nonmonogamy and Perimenopausal Pride
I think we’ll continue to see more exploration around nonmonogamy in married couples and definitely with singles. Even if more “traditional” married people won’t actually open things up, they’ll start talking about the possibilities around and interest in sleeping with other people, or dating outside the marriage, with less tension and angst. I also think some women, specifically moms, in perimenopause will start to vocalize their profound disinterest in sex and the disappearance of their libido without shame or apologies, but with frankness. Maybe even with humor and, ideally, self-acceptance. — Alyssa Shelasky, the editor of “Sex Diaries” at The Cut