Santa Monica Studios, the creative force behind the globally acclaimed God of War series, is reportedly gearing up for multiple new projects. Rumors suggest that the studio has been working on a brand-new project, separate from God of War, with a strong focus on action-driven storytelling.
According to recent updates from Albertina Chu, a senior executive at Santa Monica Studios, the company is currently developing several unannounced games. This revelation, found on Chu’s LinkedIn profile, has certainly piqued the interest of gaming enthusiasts. With over 250 developers involved, these projects are shaping up to be something special.
It seems that Santa Monica Studios has split its teams to focus on these different projects, a strategy previously employed by Naughty Dog for games like Uncharted 3 and The Last of Us. This approach could potentially allow Santa Monica to release their new games faster.
This new series will be Santa Monica Studio’s first original project since God of War. In November, the studio also hired Bonnie Jean Mah, the former narrative director at Gearbox, suggesting that the new series will feature deep, cinematic storytelling.
While these new projects haven’t been officially announced, the details coming from such a significant figure indicate that something big is in the works. Fans can likely expect a character-driven action game with a rich narrative.
Personal Take:
Santa Monica Studios’ shift to new, unannounced projects is incredibly exciting. With their track record in creating epic, narrative-rich games like God of War, the prospect of them exploring new territory has the gaming community buzzing with anticipation.
Whatever they’re cooking up, it’s bound to be a hit. What do you think? Are you excited about these upcoming titles? Share your thoughts in the comments below!